690 / 800 USD (86%)
EternalCinders, contributed the most this week.
The MassiveCraft Store supports the MassiveCraft Server, a Roleplay and Factions Survival Server on the game Minecraft. MassiveCraft aims for EULA compliance for a fair and safe gameplay experience without any Pay to Win features. MassiveCraft offers purchasable ranks with cosmetic vanity features and fair gameplay uses, which grant no competitive benefits for the players, while other server-wide purchases go to the whole server by benefitting all online players. This store does not contain in-game currency sales, as we do not sell in-game currencies. This store and server (we) are not associated with, affiliated with, or supported by Mojang AB or Microsoft, nor do Mojang or Microsoft bear liability for what happens on the server, or any purchases you make.
Purchases made at this store are processed by VAN DUIJNHOVEN DIGITAL SERVICE, sole proprietorship beneficiary Martijn Leon van Duijnhoven. Any business or personal concerns should be forwarded to massivecraftdirection@gmail.com or through the Contact Form on the Website, NOR Mojang AB or Microsoft. All sales will help pay for the operating costs of the server costs financially and are also taxed by the Norwegian State where the business is registered, with additional profit being divided between re-investment and personal profit. This store and server are not associated with, affiliated with, or supported by Mojang or Microsoft, nor do Mojang or Microsoft bear liability for what happens on the server, or any purchases you make. All services and purchases are suitable for children and minors and do not negatively affect other players. All purchases are final and refunds are not available. If you suspect an error has been made with a payment, please contact the owner of the Server either through our Public Discord, the Contact Us Button on the Website, or through the Email provided here.
We have an active and passionate staff team which is always happy to help you or answer your questions! The quickest way to ask questions or seek help with minor issues is to join our Discord Server.
Discord ServerAll payments are final and non-refundable. Attempting a chargeback or opening a PayPal dispute will result in permanent and irreversible banishment from all of our servers, and other stores.
All information that is required on this webstore is not shared with any other third parties and is stored securely. All payments are processed via SSL enabled gateways and ensure that your payment details are secure.